Monday, August 3, 2009

Please Listen to This

Do You Desire God? - Paul Washer from I'll Be Honest on Vimeo.


Alan W. Richardson said...

Some really good stuff here, Dave. (Could have done without the music...)

Christ is not a missing part of your life - the thing it will take to complete your fulfillment... without Christ your life is NOTHING. It is worthless.

Do I have a passion for Christ?

Have I not only a new relationship with God, but a new relationship with sin?

Wow. Paul keeps hitting the nail on the head.

Beyond Zaphon said...

Thanks for your comment Alan. Mr. Washer does in fact hit the nail on the head again. I have noticed God's truth sounds forth from this man.

"Without Christ your life is nothing"....truthfully, succinctly, and laconically stated.

I am in love with God and His grace for the fact that I am in agreement with that statement.

As for the is neither here nor there for me. Sometimes music stimulates emotion when listening to messages. I find myself more stimulated by the words spoken than adding music. I can't say I mind the "salt" music adds....but it is the nourishment of the food that I love.